Betta Fish

5 Facts About Betta Fish
Betta fish (Betta splendens), also called Siamese fighting fish, are one of the most famous freshwater fishbowl fish in the world payable to their beautiful colorations, various fin shapes, and their related satisfaction of care. If you are facing to get into the amusement of safekeeping ornamental fish, bettas can be a considerable and bilateral…

What you need to know about VARIETIES of BETTAS BY TAIL and FIN CONFIGURATIONS
The male Betta’s tail is elongated, which makes it stand out from other aquarium fish. The female Betta is pretty but duller and has fewer fins or tails. What’s up with the male betta fin and tail variations? LONG-TAIL BETTAS ARE DISTINCT FROM SHORT TAILS Bettas have several individual fins as well as a pair…

All About Betta Fish: A guide to patterns, colors, and more
Finding information about rare or unique Betta Fish breeds can be frustrating. It’s not because information is lacking. It’s the opposite: there are so many betta varieties that it can be overwhelming for newbie anglers. It’s useful to have a guide like this handy if you want to learn the differences between different bettas. For…