While every French bulldog is different, there are some common French bulldog behavior problems that almost every Frenchie owner will face. It could be that your Frenchie’s behavior is due to an underlying medical condition or simply bad training. These include separation anxiety, chewing, playing too rough, and more.
Understanding the behavior and how to deal with it is half the battle. As most people know, French bulldogs are naturally stubborn, so they can sometimes be tricky to train. They are great at being clingy and independent at the same time!
The best way to avoid common French bulldog behavior problems is to make sure that they have a good home life. One where they get plenty of exercise and attention from their owners and other family members (if possible).
In this article, we will look at the different behavior problems that most French bulldogs have and how you can stop this behavior and live happily with these colorful personalities.
What are the most common French Bulldog behavior problems?
Separation Anxiety :

Separation anxiety is a very common French bulldog behavior problem. It can occur when your dog is left alone or separated from its owners and can be very similar to (Fear Of Missing Out)
A Frenchie will feel this way if they have been taught that separation from its owner is bad, scary, and not fun. (Especially in the case of an insecure rescue or shelter frenchie.) They might start acting out when they are left alone, barking aggressively and causing destruction to objects around them.
It’s important to note that separation anxiety doesn’t just affect French bulldogs – any breed can suffer from it.
The good news is that there are ways you can help your anxious Frenchie overcome this issue:
How To Stop French Bulldogs Separation Anxiety?
There are several steps you can take to help your French Bulldog overcome this problem:
Leave a blanket or towel that smells like you for them to sleep on.
Get them some toys that they can play with.
My Frenchies love their toys and will carry them to their bed and cuddle them! It’s so adorable.
Make sure your pup gets enough exercise before leaving them alone for long periods (for instance, do some playtime before going out the whole day)
Take them with you everywhere possible (to cafes, etc.) so they get used to being around other people/animals. Where I live, it’s normal to have your dogs with you always, so it’s a good thing for them and their Fair Of Missing Out.
Chewing & Destroying Stuff:

French Bulldogs are known to be destructive and can chew on things that you don’t want them to. If you find that your French Bulldog is chewing on something he shouldn’t (like the couch), try spraying lemon juice on it. The acidity from the lemon juice will encourage them not to go near it anymore because of its unpleasant odor.
Suppose a particular item smells like an owner or another animal that’s important in their life (like a cat). In that case, they’ll want some attention from those people/animals by destroying their favorite item(s).
How To Stop French Bulldogs Chewing & Destroying Stuff?
As a general rule, the first thing you should do is make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation.
Frenchies need to be exercised daily, ideally for about 40 minutes, twice a day.
They also need mental stimulation, which can come in the form of toys or games like fetch.
Barking & Whining :

Whining and barking are two of the most common French Bulldog behavior problems, but they’re also a problem for many other dog breeds.
French bulldogs are known to whine, especially when they’re lonely or bored. This can get annoying after a while—especially if you have neighbors who complain about it!
Although it might seem like whining is just cute puppy noises, there may be more than meets the eye here. Whining can also be caused by anxiety in your French Bulldog puppy or adult.
How To Stop French Bulldogs Barking & Whining?
Barking is a natural behavior for dogs, and it is used to communicate with other dogs and humans. French bulldogs have a high-pitched bark that can be annoying. They are not known to be aggressive, but they can bark aggressively at strangers (animals or people). If you are unable to distract your dog, you may need to train them not to bark. You can do this by using a spray bottle of water. When your dog barks, give them a squirt of water and then try to call them to heel next to you again and reward them if they do
Too Clingy:
French Bulldogs are very loving dogs. They are affectionate and like to be close to their owners, and they are capable yet stubbornly independent dogs. They need to be socialized and trained early on in order to behave properly and not develop any bad habits that could cause them problems later on in life.
Like many other breeds of dogs, Frenchies tend to get jealous when their owners pay attention or give affection to another person or animal besides themselves.
This can lead some French Bulldogs into a state known as “hovering” or “clinginess,” which can be pretty annoying for everyone involved! Some people may even feel like their dog has become more attached than usual after being separated from them for just an hour or two.
How To Stop French Bulldogs Clingy Behavior?
As a general rule, you should stop giving them special attention whenever they follow you around or beg for attention. This may make them clingier, but actually, it will encourage them to learn patience. They need to know that you give them your attention on your terms and not on theirs.
Instead of giving them extra attention every time they follow us around the house, looking for affectionate gestures such as belly rubs. Take him outside on walks instead so they get exercise while simultaneously spending quality time with you.
Playing Too Rough:

As I said, French Bulldogs are very playful and energetic dogs, so they love to play with their owners, sometimes cats and other dogs. They can get carried away playing too roughly, though, so you may have to set some limits if your Frenchie is playing too aggressively.
My Frenchie will sometimes play with the cats. My cats all like to play with the dogs, but the Frenchie can be too rough sometimes. I can sometimes hear my cat howling at night as my French Bulldog lightly gnaws on his head in satisfaction.
How To Stop French Bulldogs Playing Too Rough?
You can stop French Bulldogs from playing too rough by making sure you are in control of the game and setting rules for the game. You should also be consistent with your rules and use positive reinforcement when they play well, rather than negative reinforcement.
When it comes to French Bulldogs and all dogs, you need to be prepared for anything. They love their owners more than anything else in this world, but if an owner doesn’t know how to handle them properly, then things could go from bad to worse very quickly. It’s important to never encourage this type of rough, playful behavior with humans because it can lead to accidents that could hurt people later on.

I’ve had two Frenchies, and both of them have been some of the most stubborn dogs ever.
One refuses to eat out of anything unless you give(serve) it in her bowl. She will only eat out of two bowls. One for snacks and one for food. And if it’s not in the right bowl, she will not eat. She’s so stubborn that she will starve herself. I even tempted her with steak on a plate once. All I got was a deep sigh as she rolled her eyes and looked away. I then tried to put the steak in her food bowl, too, but nothing. As soon as I put it in her snack bowl, she would jump up and bark, asking for it!
The other one never gives up on trying to play with frogs, no matter how many times they’ve urinated on her. She keeps trying to bite them every single day.
These kinds of behaviors are typical for Frenchies; it’s just something you’ll need to accept when adopting or buying one as your companion.
How To Stop French Bulldogs Stubbornness?
The following are some ways that you can deal with French bulldogs being stubborn:
Don’t reward bad behavior. If your dog misbehaves, don’t reward them for doing so by giving them food or playing with them.
Don’t give in to their demands or let them do whatever they want just because it’s cute or funny/hilarious.
Final thoughts :
You may have noticed that many of these problems stem from poor socialization as puppies. Or even during early development stages, which means they will respond especially well if treated properly early on in life.
While some of these issues can be difficult to resolve, there are ways to help. French Bulldogs are such social and affectionate dogs that they usually respond very well when given the right tools. These tips will help you to enjoy the life of owning a French bulldog.
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